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HomeSouth AsiaAfghanistanUnsung Heroes of the Outback: The Afghan Cameleers of Australia

Unsung Heroes of the Outback: The Afghan Cameleers of Australia

Dr.Tausif Malik

Amidst the vast and unforgiving landscapes of the Australian outback, a group of unsung heroes played a pivotal role in shaping the nation’s history. These were the Afghan cameleers, an integral but often overlooked community that contributed significantly to Australia’s development in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Their story is one of resilience, innovation, and cultural exchange that has left an indelible mark on the fabric of Australian society.

Referencing the book “Afghan Cameleers: Australia’s Pioneers” authored by Jones, we delve into the captivating odyssey of these often-overlooked heroes. Simultaneously, we explore the profound repercussions of the White Australia Policy and the racial biases they confronted.

Photo courtesy: State Library of Western Australia

Within the pages of “Afghan Cameleers: Australia’s Pioneers,” Jones masterfully unveils the captivating narratives of these courageous figures, whose pivotal roles indelibly impacted Australia’s evolution throughout the 19th century. With meticulous research and evocative narrative skill, Jones resurrects the tales of Afghan camelers, shedding illumination on both their invaluable contributions and the adversities they grappled with reports MUST.

Traversing the Outback: The Role of Afghan Cameleers

In the late 1800s, the arid regions of Australia’s interior posed a formidable challenge for exploration, transport, and trade. It was the Afghan cameleers who stepped in to fill this void, bringing with them a unique set of skills and expertise. Hailing from the rugged mountains of Afghanistan, these individuals had a deep understanding of camels and how to navigate harsh terrains.

The term “Afghan cameleers” can be somewhat misleading, as this group comprised individuals not solely from Afghanistan but also from neighboring nations including Egypt, Iran, Turkey, India, and Pakistan. The majority of these cameleers were male and adhered to the Muslim faith.

A Vital Link in Transport and Trade

The Afghan cameleers played a crucial role in facilitating trade and transport between remote outposts, mining sites, and towns. Their camel trains became a lifeline for goods such as wool, minerals, and supplies, connecting isolated communities to the rest of the country. With their camels’ remarkable endurance, these cameleers enabled exploration and the expansion of trade networks across the continent.

Cultural Exchange and Adaptation

The Afghan cameleers not only introduced their knowledge of camel handling but also brought elements of their rich culture to Australia. They established temporary camps along their routes, creating a blend of Afghan and Australian lifestyles that included traditional food, music, and clothing. This cultural exchange enriched the lives of both the Afghan cameleers and the local populations they interacted with.

Challenges and Legacy

Despite their invaluable contributions, Afghan cameleers faced challenges including discrimination and prejudice due to cultural differences and economic competition. The Australian government introduced policies that curtailed their immigration, reflecting the socio-political complexities of the time. However, their legacy endured. Some Afghan cameleers chose to settle in Australia, leaving a lasting impact on local communities.

Preserving the Legacy

In recent years, efforts have been made to recognize and honor the Afghan cameleers’ contribution to Australian history. Museums, historical societies, and academic institutions have embarked on projects to document their stories and the impact they had on shaping the nation’s identity. The recognition of their efforts stands as a tribute to their enduring legacy.

A Timeless Tale of Contribution

The story of the Afghan cameleers resonates today as a testament to the diverse and interconnected history of Australia. Their resilience, adaptability, and willingness to bridge cultural divides exemplify the qualities that have made Australia a multicultural and inclusive society. As the nation reflects on its past, it is important to remember the indomitable spirit of the Afghan cameleers who played an integral role in building the foundations of modern Australia.

In honoring their contributions, we not only pay homage to the Afghan cameleers but also celebrate the diverse tapestry of people who have shaped Australia’s history into what it is today—a nation that thrives on the strength of its unity in diversity.

Numerous Afghan cameleers sought business prospects in the Goldfields, with their camels serving as vital carriers of sustenance and supplies to remote surveying and construction teams within the outback. Their contributions were instrumental in fostering the growth of goldfield towns in Western Australia, most notably Coolgardie, Kalgoorlie, Menzies, and Leonora.

Afghans & Aboriginal Relationship

According to Dr. Philip Jones, a notable historian and museum ethnographer affiliated with SBS Australia, and the author of the book titled ‘Afghan Muslim Cameleers,’ an intriguing intersection occurred between cameleers and Aboriginal culture, leaving an indelible mark on Australian history, reports SBS AU.

Dr. Jones highlights that during the 19th century, a significant number of young men joined the ranks of Australian cameleers. These individuals, often accompanied by their brothers, ventured to Australia. Notably, many of these men were unattached, lacking marital ties or commitments in their home countries. As they settled in Australia, numerous cameleers established relationships with Aboriginal women, forging deep and enduring bonds.

The offspring born from these unions between cameleers and Aboriginal women represented a new generation imbued with the knowledge of Islam. Dr. Jones underscores that these young men and women grew up with familiarity with the Quran and Islamic teachings. They received education from Quranic schools and maintained their religious affiliations throughout much of their lives, extending into the mid-20th century in some cases.

Dr. Jones emphasizes that this era marked the inception of Islam’s presence in Australia. He points out that the very first mosque on Australian soil was constructed in Adelaide during the years 1889-1890 and officially opened its doors in 1891.

Furthermore, Dr. Jones contends that while evidence suggests Aboriginal people exhibited curiosity about Islam, the enduring strength of their own mythological and spiritual traditions prevented Islam from gaining widespread traction during that period.

Ms. Sabah Rind, a descendant of a fourth-generation Baluch Afghan cameleer who arrived in Australia during the late 19th century and married an Aboriginal woman, adds an important perspective. She notes that contrary to many historical narratives of exploitation, Afghan men of that time-honored Aboriginal women by forming marriages instead of engaging in any harmful actions. This perspective underscores the cultural and ethical considerations that guided these relationships within the context of Australian history, as shared through SBS Australia’s documentation.

Sabah Rind (left) with her cousin Marion Baumgarten, both descendants of the Martin family in mid-west WA. Source: Supplied Source SBS AU

Despite their pivotal roles in community development, these cameleers faced discrimination due to their distinctive appearance and religious practices. They were often depicted unfavorably in newspapers and confronted with heightened government restrictions, exacerbating tensions within local communities.

The Immigration Restriction Act, also known as the White Australia Policy, which was enforced from 1901 to 1958, had significant implications for the future of numerous cameleers. This policy denied them the opportunity for naturalization and imposed further obstacles, requiring them to undergo dictation tests upon returning from visits to their families abroad. These tests often resulted in denied entry to Australia, underscoring the challenging circumstances they encountered.


Ahmad, W. (2023). Lost sands and resilient souls: The enigmatic story of Afghan camelers in Australia. MUST AU

SBS Australia.Meet the fourth generation of a Baluch Afghan cameleer

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