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HomeInterviews & EditorialHow neighbors can learn from India's startup success story

How neighbors can learn from India’s startup success story

Dr. Tausif Malik 

How Neighbors of India can learn from India’s Startup success for sustainable growth and economic development.

India’s third-largest startup hub showcases entrepreneurship’s transformative role in driving economic growth, innovation, and job creation globally.

By studying India’s experiences, policies, and best practices, countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Afghanistan can gain valuable lessons to nurture their own entrepreneurial ecosystems.

India’s startup success provides a blueprint for South Asian nations, emphasizing regulatory frameworks, education, and infrastructure investment for fostering entrepreneurship.

India’s Vibrant Startup Ecosystem

India’s startup ecosystem thrives with government support, technology, and entrepreneurial drive, shaping a dynamic landscape for innovation and growth.

The Global Unicorn 2024 Index by Hurun has been unveiled: India secures the third spot with 67 unicorns, showcasing substantial contribution despite a minor 1% decline.

In 2020, NASSCOM reported India’s addition of 1,600+ tech startups, showcasing remarkable resilience amid global adversities.

Currently, India boasts 38 unicorns, signifying its emergence as a global hub for innovative ventures valued at over $1 billion each.

‘Startup India’ and similar government initiatives have spurred growth by providing incentives, tax benefits, and simplifying business processes for startups.

Incubators, accelerators, and venture capital firms offer vital support to entrepreneurs, granting access to mentorship, funding, and networking opportunities.

With tech hubs like Pune, Bangalore and Hyderabad gaining global recognition. India has become a breeding ground for innovative startups across various sectors.

Key Factors Driving India’s Success

Several factors contribute to India’s thriving startup ecosystem. Access to a large pool of skilled talent, a robust infrastructure, and a growing digital economy have provided fertile ground for startups to flourish.

Moreover, supportive government policies, including initiatives like Startup India and Make in India, have encouraged entrepreneurship and facilitated ease of doing business.

India’s young and tech-savvy population, coupled with increasing internet penetration and smartphone adoption, has created a fertile ground for innovation and disruption.

Startups have leveraged emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things to address diverse challenges and tap into new markets.

With initiatives like ‘Digital India’ driving digital transformation and the rise of tech-enabled solutions, India’s startup ecosystem is poised for continued growth and global prominence in the years to come.

Learning Opportunities for South Asian Countries

South Asian nations like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Afghanistan have much to glean from India’s remarkable journey in fostering a thriving startup ecosystem.

India’s experience offers a blueprint for these countries to cultivate their entrepreneurial landscapes.

South Asian nations can tailor their approaches to address local challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities. By examining India’s strategies in nurturing startups, including supportive government policies, access to venture capital, and a burgeoning culture of innovation.

These countries can strengthen regulatory frameworks, improve funding access, and foster networks by drawing from India’s experiences in entrepreneurship.

Learning from India’s startup revolution offers South Asian countries a pathway to unleash their entrepreneurial potential and fuel regional economic growth.

Access to Skilled Talent

Startup boom in India is fueled by its skilled workforce and entrepreneurship spirit. South Asian nations can replicate this success by investing in education and training.

Access to quality education, particularly in STEM fields, can equip populations to spearhead innovation and technological progress, fostering economic development.

India’s emphasis on education, demonstrated through initiatives such as the establishment of prestigious institutions like the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), underscores the transformative impact of investing in human capital.

The legacy of successive government policies in India, particularly those focused on providing affordable and accessible education, has laid the foundation for the country’s robust startup ecosystem.

South Asian nations can emulate India’s emphasis on education and skill development to prepare citizens for the digital economy.

Investing in human capital boosts competitiveness and fuels sustainable growth, benefiting South Asian economies and fostering social development.

IT Policy & Revolution

Mr. Sam Pitroda, often hailed as the father of the Indian telecom revolution, played a crucial role in kickstarting India’s telecommunications policy.

As the advisor to Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in the 1980s, Pitroda spearheaded initiatives that transformed India’s telecom sector. With the introduction of public call offices (PCOs) and the establishment of the Center for Development of Telematics (C-DOT).

His visionary leadership set the stage for telecom industry liberalization, fostering private sector involvement and the widespread expansion of mobile and internet services.

Furthermore, the establishment of the Knowledge Commission under the leadership of Mr. Pitroda marked a significant milestone in India’s quest for knowledge-driven growth.

The Knowledge Commission aimed to foster an enabling policy environment by emphasizing education, research, and innovation initiatives for knowledge creation and dissemination.

Through targeted policy interventions and strategic investments in education and research infrastructure. The Knowledge Commission sought to harness India’s intellectual capital to drive socioeconomic development and foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.

In addition to the efforts of Sam Pitroda, India’s journey towards becoming a global startup hub. It was further propelled by key policy initiatives introduced during the liberalization era under the leadership of Dr. Manmohan Singh. Both as the Finance Minister and later as the Prime Minister of India.

Enabling Policy Environment

The economic reforms of the 1990s dismantled regulatory barriers, opened up the Indian economy to foreign investment. This fostered an environment conducive to entrepreneurship and innovation.

Encouraging private sector involvement and fostering competition across sectors laid the groundwork for India’s burgeoning startup ecosystem growth.

Subsequently, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, several flagship initiatives such as Make in India, Startup India, Skill India, and Digital India were launched to further bolster India’s position as a global startup destination.

Make in India aimed to boost manufacturing and promote indigenous production.

Startup India aimed to create a supportive environment for startups by offering incentives, simplifying regulations, and facilitating funding and mentorship access.

Skill India aimed to boost workforce employability. While Digital India aimed for digital empowerment, leveraging technology for societal transformation and economic growth.

These initiatives collectively propelled India to the forefront of the global startup landscape, securing its position as the third-largest startup hub in the world.

Building Infrastructure and Digital Connectivity

Building robust infrastructure and enhancing digital connectivity are crucial components of fostering a conducive environment for startups to thrive.

In India, substantial investments have been made in infrastructure development, including transportation networks, energy grids, and telecommunications systems.

For instance, the construction of new roads, highways, and ports has improved connectivity across the country, facilitating the movement of goods and services.

Additionally, initiatives such as the BharatNet project, aimed at providing broadband connectivity to rural areas, have expanded internet access and bridged the digital divide, enabling entrepreneurs in remote regions to participate in the digital economy.

As of 2021, India ranked second globally in terms of internet users, with over 624 million people having access to the internet, highlighting the significance of digital connectivity in driving entrepreneurial activity.

Furthermore, investments in digital infrastructure have catalyzed the growth of various sectors, including e-commerce, fintech, and online services.

Smartphone adoption and high-speed internet availability spurred innovative startups, offering digital solutions to meet diverse market demands efficiently.

For instance, India’s digital payments ecosystem has witnessed exponential growth, with the number of digital transactions increasing significantly.

In December 2020, digital transactions in India surged to $270.59 billion, per Reserve Bank of India data, showcasing widespread adoption.

Investing in infrastructure and digital connectivity can foster startup growth, spurring economic development and job creation across South Asia.

Promoting Cross-Border Collaboration

South Asian countries can foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing, benefiting from each other and India’s experiences in entrepreneurship and innovation.

Regional programs mirroring the EU’s Horizon Europe can foster joint research and innovation projects among startups in South Asia.

South Asian countries can collaborate, using India’s startup ecosystem as a model, to drive innovation and scale businesses across borders.

Organizations can foster collaboration among startups from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Afghanistan through networking events and platforms. These initiatives enable access to resources, expertise, and investment opportunities, bolstering the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Cross-border collaboration among South Asian startups accelerates the region’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. Initiatives like exchange programs and networking events foster innovation and collaboration.


India’s journey in fostering a vibrant startup ecosystem provides valuable lessons for South Asian countries aiming to promote entrepreneurship and innovation.

These nations can unlock their potential and achieve sustainable growth by leveraging India’s experiences and best practices in entrepreneurship.

About the Author

Dr. Tausif Malik is a social entrepreneur, publisher, and academician, renowned for his innovative ventures. He founded and publishes The Desi BuzzGCC Startup News, Startup Berita, and Halal Biz News, amplifying entrepreneurship globally. Dr. Malik also spearheads AIMBSNHalal Angels Network, and Startup Villages, fostering startup ecosystems. His groundbreaking initiative,, offers affordable edtech solutions, providing Indian university programs starting at $50 per month and professional IT courses priced at $250-$350. Through his diverse endeavors, Dr. Malik empowers individuals with access to education and opportunities.

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